Thursday, 15 November 2007

cheap haircuts!

If you still need a haircut and are feeling brave, you can get a cheap haircut from a student at the Vidal Sassoon Academy. Call 02072406635. I have an appointment for Tuesday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, 11 November 2007


Check out today's (Sunday's) Doonesbury.

Friday, 9 November 2007

Diversity Week

There are some good events at Bloomsbury Diversity Week, which will be next week (Nov 12-16).


We are planning on having Thanksgiving dinner/sort of potluck here on Thanksgiving Day, November 22. We'll provide a turkey and pumpkin pies, but I'll need a good count of who is interested. Would you please send Wayne or me an email if you are planning to come and also let me know if you can bring anything (potatoes, a salad, some bread, stuffing, etc.) so I can plan.

Dinner will be at 6. Hope you can make it.

Lord Mayor's Show

This Saturday is the Lord Mayor's Show - it includes a parade in which you can see the coach that's only brought out once a year (normally on display at the Museum of London, but it's in the part that's currently closed), bands, floats, etc. At 5 p.m. there are fireworks on the Thames.